parenting coaching

Jamie’s coaching plan with grief and loss is designed to help clients process their emotions, develop coping strategies, and find a sense of meaning and purpose after a loss. The coaching process can be challenging, but with the right support and guidance, clients can move forward and create a fulfilling life despite their loss.

  • Assess current parenting style: The coach may ask the client about their parenting style, their child's behavior, and their relationship with their child.

  • Identifying strengths and areas for improvement: The coach helps the client identify their strengths as a parent and areas where they could improve. This may involve exploring the client's values and beliefs about parenting, as well as examining their communication and discipline strategies.

  • Providing education and resources: The coach may provide educational resources and information on child development, effective discipline strategies, and communication techniques. This may include books and online resources.

  • Providing feedback and support: This may involve regular check-ins, problem-solving sessions, and brainstorming ideas for managing challenging behaviors.